In an effort to help you easily obtain answers to your key questions, we’ve listed our most requested questions that organizations ask us. If your question is not addressed on this page or within the Grant Guidelines or Funding Request sections, please contact us.

How often do you have board meetings/funding periods?
Rotating grant periods and board meetings depending on the need.

What are your funding strategies?
The Foundation categorizes its geographical investments into: South Florida, national and international. Within these areas, the Foundation identifies its projects into select categories: Evangelism/Church Planting - Leadership Development - Holistic Ministries (serving many poor & oppressed) - Media & Technology - Stewardship - Children & Youth

Does the Stacy Foundation fund individuals or scholarships for individuals?

Does the Stacy Foundation fund churches?
No, we do not fund general church operating budgets or building projects. However, we do address projects in partnerships with churches. (Note: Exceptions have been made under special circumstances.)

Does the Foundation fund disaster relief or emergency efforts?
No, not generally as ample monies flow in from government and other sources.

Is the Stacy Foundation willing to be a sustaining donor?
The Stacy Foundation does not see itself as a sustaining donor. We wish to encourage an organization’s development of a broad base of donors.

Do I need to have a prior connection with someone at Stacy Foundation to receive a grant?
Yes. Having a prior connection with someone at the Stacy Foundation helps us in being able to sift through the multiple funding requests we receive each week. Please note, this does not guarantee an organization will get approved for funding.

May we meet with someone at the Foundation?
Before we will consider a meeting, we will need to receive a grant application outlining your organization and your request - unless otherwise requested by our office.

When can I submit a proposal?
After your funding request and grant application have been approved we will forward you the proposal package.

What is the timing for submitting a grant application?
Grant applications can be submitted at any time during the year.

How much money should we request?
The amount of money requested should be based upon your organization’s needs, along with number of years partnering with the Foundation. We give both small and large grants. Our first-time grants will usually be modest. In addition, we typically extend grants for single-year projects but have made exceptions for multi-year gifts under special circumstances.

How long does it take after I submit my application before someone contacts me in relation to my funding request?
We will respond to all requests within 60 days and inform you if we are either denying the request or requesting a complete grant proposal for further evaluation. Please note that the entire process from application to proposal could take 4-6 months. Please plan accordingly.

At the Stacy Foundation, we appreciate your interest in partnering with us. However, as a reminder, we receive many more requests for funding then we can fulfill.

My grant application was declined. Can I submit another grant application during the next review period?
We require that you wait one year before applying. After that time, you are welcome to apply if your request fits the Foundation’s focus and areas of giving.

How often can I apply for funding?
A one year waiting period between submissions is required.

We received funding in the past from the Foundation. Do we still need to submit a grant application?
Yes. We have a two-step process and all possible funding starts with the submission of a grant application.

Is an evaluation required if additional funding is proposed?
Yes. Our evaluation form will need to be submitted online before another grant is considered.

Start the process.